
Green Summers

Every year summer season arrives for 3 months followed by rainy season. These are natural occurrences and phenomenons which we can't change. But change is required to conserve our environment. But how shall we do that collectively? The answer is Tree Farming. A suggestion by honorable National Environmentalist Shri Sunder lal ji Bahuguna. Tree Farming is an activity which can be adopted by all the farmers, not only to conserve nature but to earn a better living also. Farmers can grow rare herbs, fruit bearing trees, important medicinal herbs and saplings, herbs and saplings which have wide utility and have a greater contribution towards nature conservation and oxygen generation. Common herbs and herbs requiring less water would be the best to grow these Summers. Tree Farming would not only conserve nature but increase greenery, capital, employment and happiness! Tree farming is a technique, practice and an activity which would require quality saplings, good ingredients, ...

Reverse Engineering Project: Code:-- Project Code: 2016iPTVREP0001

Greetings! Dedicating another project to Late ChairMan of nimbahera City Shri Shankar Lal Ji Rajora, the team has initiated a new project sector: *Reverse Engineering*. What do we mean by *Reverse Engineering*? Reverse Engineering generally means smart and efficient utility of objects considered as useless or waste by general citizens. As Engineers, we have to value a micro particle of sand also. Although this project would use Bio/organic waste as an efficient fuel for various power requirements of modern world. Our objective is to utilize best of natural technology for the replenishment of Mother Earth and Milky way  galaxy. This initiative is to facilitate general citizens with the latest Biotechnology and bio-waste generated power in form of bio-gas & bio-gas generated power. This project Coded as: 2016iPTVREP0001 is the first step towards this initiative. Team iPTV welcomes every citizen of this Earth to cooperate & collaborate in the Conservation, Reple...


Greetings to all! It's very heartening and sad experience to share with you all. The city I (Utkarsh Totla) live in, the Chair Man of whose Municipality, a very descent, honest, honored, kind and active 'Jan'sevak' died in an unexpected accident along with his wife and one other member on September 03, 2016, also few other reputed people of our city, Prof. Nityanand Dwivedi and his wife were critically injured while returning from Somnath Temple visit on Udaipur-Nathdwara highway (may be different) due to some human error. The personalities who died were really true heart, honest, beloved and technical & active 'Jan-sevaks'. The whole city cried on their people. On behalf of whole Team of iPrime Inc and Team iPrime Tech Viz, I pay homage, tribute and my support to the family members of the deceased souls.    To tribute the stars of Nimbahera City, last night I woke up at 2 am to study, my room mate was sleeping. i had to study till 6 am. I thought wh...

Achievements of Team iPrime @ BITS Apogee

Greeting to all Googlers and Web users! These are few certificates of achievement of team iPrime @ BITS Apogee 2k16. Regards Team iPrime


Good Morning to all the members of this Universe! Team iPrime Tech viz has grown its roots and base. The page views clearly answer this. We define ourselves as Individuals who want to 'Get Happiness, Enjoy happiness and Impart Happiness'. As iPrime One, we're A single resource to transform the perception of negative elements and boost positive individuals. We're a powerpack full with technical & positive protein which you won't get in gossips but here @ iPrime. Team iPrime Tech Viz has an ambition to just to 'Live each moment healthily and let others do the same'. We're a family that promote and support nature. Because we're its siblings and the call of mother Earth and Uncle Sun and Moon has always enriched us but now when we see both uncles, they are dashing smart, but mother eartH is Crying through the expression of earthquakes and new unidentified disaters. What's the duty?? Whose is it? Do animals have to attack us and tel...

iPrime Perception

iPrime Perception iPrime's Perception about Dhoni: View this link, you would understand why India needs a perception that is "M. S. Dhoni". If India really wants to achieve the title of "Bharat" through its work, iPrime needs perceptions of 'Sir' "M. S. Dhoni". Sir M.S. Dhoni's perception won't be realized now by a Common Indian since many common Indians lack Common Sense. So, tilt your spectacles.   iPrime Presentation  is awaiting your glance at it. Regards, Utkarsh Totla Head, Team iPrime Head, Team iPrime Tech Viz Head, Team iPrime Concept Factory

Solar Chimney

A Solar Chimney is a very basic concept, its objective is to cool & warm a building as per requirement and generate additional electricity. This concept is based on the concept of chimney and on properties of warm & cool air. Concept of chimney conveys that to maintain normal temperature in winters, a room is heated by a fireplace and the smoke generated on the combustion of fuel is rejected to atmosphere through the passage of chimney. Properties of warm and cool air conveys that warm or hot air is light in weight and moves upwards whereas cool air is heavy and remains below. Both these concepts of chimney and properties of warm & cool air could be combined to create such a concept that cools a building in summers and maintains warmth in winters without any pollution and by utilizing the natural power source ‘solar energy.’ The basic concept of a Solar Chimney conveys that cool air from ground could be regulated in a building by a driving mechanism l...