Green Summers

Every year summer season arrives for 3 months followed by rainy season.
These are natural occurrences and phenomenons which we can't change.
But change is required to conserve our environment.
But how shall we do that collectively?
The answer is Tree Farming.
A suggestion by honorable National Environmentalist Shri Sunder lal ji Bahuguna.
Tree Farming is an activity which can be adopted by all the farmers, not only to conserve nature but to earn a better living also.
Farmers can grow rare herbs, fruit bearing trees, important medicinal herbs and saplings, herbs and saplings which have wide utility and have a greater contribution towards nature conservation and oxygen generation.
Common herbs and herbs requiring less water would be the best to grow these Summers.
Tree Farming would not only conserve nature but increase greenery, capital, employment and happiness!
Tree farming is a technique, practice and an activity which would require quality saplings, good ingredients, smart and efficient care, efforts to take care of our environment. The major benefits of tree farming are:

  • They are beneficial to nature (environment) and to pocket of investor and farmers or labors.
  • Chemical pesticides are rarely required because the herbs and trees have good resistance towards many diseases and few insects.
  • Bio-pesticides and stimulants increase the yield and productivity of trees which would require ingredients from the herbs so it is an inter-related development and growth, where nature supports the subsidiaries.
  • The intensive care of plants and trees would reduce machine use, and need of manual labor would increase resulting in skilled employment.
  • Herbal products (void of chemical ingredients) would be in abundance due to increase in herbal raw material.
Tree farming would imply the increase in green cover and would reduce deforestation, temperature increase, loss of habitat for animals and a relief for nature lovers.
An initiative is required which is under process by various organizations. The dedicated hard work would certainly yield a sweet fruit! Let's initiate with a strong positive instinct!
So overall we would celebrate Green Summers!
Team iPrime Bharat
Nimbahera-312601, Bharat (India)

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